CCPI 2024: Media Response
An overview of international newspaper articles as well as important statistics, German press coverage and social media activity on this year’s CCPI.
The publication of the CCPI 2024 on December 8th at COP 28 in Dubai again attracted a great deal of international attention. The CCPI was mentioned over 479 times in at least 29 countries all over the world. Leading and prestigious media around the world covered the CCPI, including The Indian Express, The Irish Times, Zeit Online and Süddeutsche Zeitung.
Coverage was also exceptionally strong in Italy with 171 mentions, followed by India with 43 mentions, and the USA with 32 mentions. In the German media the CCPI was mentioned over 331 times.
International Media Resonance – examples
- Ireland „Ireland drops six places in climate performance index due to ‘policy implementation failures’“ – The Irish Times
- Germany „Deutschland im Klima-Ranking „mittelmäßig” Zeit Online
- Germany „Licht und Schatten im Klimaschutz-Index”
- India „India’s climate actions fourth-strongest, US and China lag behind: Germanwatch report“ – The Indian Express
- Spain „Que písesluchanmás contra el cambioclimático y cuáles“ – La Vanguardia
- Portugal „Portugal sobeposição no Índice de Desempenho das AlteraçõesClimáticas“ – Executive Digest
- Norway „Norge ned to plasserpåklimarangering“ – Nettavisen.
- Italy „Cop28, l’Italiabocciata in clima: scende al 44° postonellaclassifica di Legambiente-Germanwatch“ – La Repubblica
- Korea „기후변화대응지수평가서한국최하위권…67개국중 64위“ – hankyung
- Japan „どこまで落ちる日本…COP28で不名誉な「化石賞」2回、気候変動対策は世界58位に沈む現状 – 木村正人欧州インサイドReport“ – Newsweek
- Brazil “Itália despenca em ranking de desempenho climático“ – Terra
- Egypt “ ترتيبالدولالعربيةبمؤشرأداءتغيرالمناخ 2024“ – Nature middleasia
- Austria “Kein Land tut genug für den Klimaschutz“ – ORF
- Sweden “Svarige tappar i ny rapport“ – Svt1