Sweden is ranked 11th in this year’s CCPI. With mixed ratings, Sweden receives a very high in Renewable Energy, high in GHG Emissions, low in Climate Policy, and very low in Energy Use.
The current Swedish government is reversing many progressive climate policies, such as the aviation tax, subsidies for electric vehicles, and railroad system investments. The shift has gone from support for renewable energy toward nuclear power. The past target of 100% renewable energy has changed to a target of 100% fossil fuel-free, which includes nuclear power.
The CCPI country experts believe biomass could be used sustainably in Sweden, but issues persist with the lack of sustainable forestry and conflicts on the land of the indigenous Sami people.
In international climate politics, Sweden mostly holds a progressive position, but in the European Union, it has blocked forestry and land use, land-use change, and forestry (LULUCF) policies. The experts indicate Sweden is backtracking from being a frontrunner in international climate policy and they demand the government maintain progressive climate policies.
Key Outcomes
- Sweden is ranked 11th in this year’s CCPI
- The current Swedish government is reversing many progressive climate policies, such as the aviation tax, subsidies for electric vehicles, and railroad system investments
- The experts indicate Sweden is backtracking from being a frontrunner in international climate policy and they demand the government maintain progressive climate policies
CCPI Experts
National experts that contributed to the policy evaluation of this year’s CCPI chose to remain anonymous.