CCPI 2022: Media Response

CCPI 2022: Media Response

An overview of international newspaper articles as well as important statistics, German press coverage and social media activity on this year’s CCPI.

The CCPI 2022 press conference during the UN climate conference in Glasgow caused an international media response. This year`s CCPI edition achieved a record high media resonance compared to earlier editions. The CCPI was mentioned over 1440 times in at least 50 countries. The index was mentioned in leading and prestigious media around the world, including The Guardian, The Indian Times, Zeit, Süddeutsche Zeitung and Independent.

The media response in Australia is noteworthy with over 800 mentions, which makes about half of the media coverage.  In Germany there were 687 mentions and in India 61 mentions, followed by the United States with 38 mentions.

International Media Resonance – examples

?? Australia „Australia scores zero on climate policy in latest Climate Change Performance Index” – abc

?? Australia Australia ranked last of 60 countries for policy response to climate crisis – The Guardian

?? Denmark „VM i klima: Danmark er verdens største grønne duks – men!“ – Berlingske

?? Germany „Dänemark ist im Klimaschutz Klassenbester“ – Spiegel Online

?? Germany „Die ersten Plätze bleiben unbesetzt“ –

?? Germany „Deutschland verbessert sich in internationalem Klimaranking“ – Zeit Online

?? India „Telling Numbers: Denmark, Sweden lead the way in climate change performance” – The Indian Express

?? Ireland „Ireland rankend ‘among the worst performers’ in 2021 climate rankings” – The Irish Times

?? Italy “Performance climatica, l’Italia perde tre posti nella classifica. E gli Usa fanno peggio della Cina. Legambiente: ‘Serve inversione di rotta’” – Il Fatto Quotidiano

?? Korea “Korea’s climate change performance report ranks ‘lowest’ despite its 40% carbon reduction declarations” – Hani

?? Mexico „Tres años perdidos para mejorar el desempeño climático de México” – El Economista

?? Morocco “CCPI 2022 : Le Maroc se maintient en excellent élève” – Hespress

?? Poland “Polska w CCPI 2022. Które miejsce zajmuje?” – Onet

?? Spain Las fricciones entre norte y sur retrasan el acuerdo final de la Cumbre del Clima – El Mundo

?? Switzerland „Schweiz rutscht im Klima-Rating ab“ – blue news

?? United Kingdom Climate performance index leaves top three places blank as ‘no country doing enough“ – Independent