Egypt Egypt

Egypt drops two places in this year’s CCPI, to 22nd and among the medium-performing countries.

The country receives mixed ratings over the four main CCPI categories: high in GHG Emissions and Energy Use, low in Climate Policy, and very low in Renewable Energy.


In June 2023, Egypt submitted its second nationally determined contribution (NDC) to the UNFCCC. With this, Egypt has again not significantly strengthened its commitments and targets as needed to be 1.5°C-compatible. Real adjustments were only made in emissions reduction targets in the power sector, where Egypt wants to reduce 65% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from oil and gas, 33% in electricity generation, transmission, and distribution, and 7% in the transport sector, all compared with 2030 ‘business-as-usual’ levels.

According to the Climate Action Tracker, while Egypt has taken action to invest in large-scale renewable energy projects, such as promoting installation of solar and wind energy, the country has also promoted larger investments into fossil fuels, in particular fossil gas. Egypt is the African continent’s second largest gas producer, responsible for over one-third of total fossil gas consumption. Egypt’s lack of coherence in climate policy is also seen in the country’s national climate policy performance, dropping eight ranks this year.

Egypt missed the chance to strengthen its targets

The CCPI country experts hoped Egypt would use the momentum of hosting COP27 to significantly increase its ambition in aligning with the 1.5°C target. Yet though progress was made in overall awareness of environmental and climate issues, with breakthroughs particularly in resilience and adaptation, Egypt missed the chance to strengthen its own targets.

This is particularly evident in the Renewable Energy category. The current share of renewables in its primary energy mix is 5.56%, placing it at just 55th in that respective category. Until Egypt strengthens its target and shifts its focus to be fully on renewables, the country is not expected to rise from the very low performers in this area.

The experts demand more climate ambition by Egypt and more investments in renewable energy projects.

Key Outcomes

  • Egypt drops two places in this year’s CCPI, to 22nd and among the medium-performing countries
  • In June 2023, Egypt submitted its second NDC to the UNFCCC
  • Key demands: more climate ambition and more investments in renewable energy projects

CCPI experts

The following national experts agreed to be mentioned as contributors for this year’s CCPI:

  • Amena Sharaf

Key indicators

CCPI 2024: Target comparison