Spain Spain

Spain ranks 19th in this year’s CCPI and is a medium performer. It rates medium in all four categories: GHG Emissions, Renewable Energy, Energy Use, and Climate Policy.

The CCPI country experts note that, since the 2023 general election, the country has strengthened its climate action role in the EU.

After drafts in 2023, Spain renewed its National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan in 2024, aiming for a 32% GHG emissions reduction by 2030, up from the original 23% set in 2020. Nevertheless, the experts assert that a 55% reduction is necessary for alignment with the 1.5°C goal.

Strong Progress in Renewables, Though Fossil Phase-Out Is Needed

The experts note the country’s substantial progress in increasing the energy share from renewables, particularly wind, solar, and hydro. Red Eléctrica Española (REE) data shows that in 2024 (until October), renewables generated more than half of the electricity. However, gas infrastructure continues to be expanded.

The experts recommend that Spain increase its emissions reduction target to 55%+ by 2030 compared with 1990. A fossil phase-out plan is also needed with measures such as ending fossil fuel subsidies and concrete end dates for the use of gas and oil.

Key Outcomes

  • Spain ranks 19th in this year’s CCPI and is a medium performer
  • Since the 2023 general election, the country has strengthened its climate action role in the EU
  • Key demands: increase its emissions reduction target to 55%+ by 2030 compared to 1990. A fossil phase-out plan is also needed with measures such as ending fossil fuel subsidies and concrete end dates for the use of gas and oil

CCPI Experts

The following national experts agreed to be mentioned as contributors for this year’s CCPI:

Key Indicators

CCPI 2025: Target comparison