France is ranked 25th in this year’s CCPI, up 12 places. The country receives a medium rating in GHG Emissions and Energy Use, and low in Renewable Energy and Climate Policy.
France has substantially increased its National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) renewable energy target for 2030. The NECP, however, makes no mention of the 55% GHG emissions reduction target, which is part of the Fit for 55 package. The country is not on track to fulfil this commitment.
Political Instability Is Slowing Down Action
Implementation of renewable energy expansion in France is lagging. The current political instability is slowing processes for updating and approving important frameworks and strategies, such as SNBC 3 (Stratégie Nationale Bas-Carbone, or National Low-carbon Strategy).
France is pushing the date for coal phase-out (for electricity generation) to 2027. The strong focus on nuclear power, also recognisable in the nuclear strategy, harbours the risk of technological lock-in in a sector that has considerable industrial uncertainty.
The CCPI national experts demand greater efforts, especially in the transport, industry, waste, and land use, land-use change, and forestry (LULUCF) sectors, to align France’s decarbonisation path to carbon neutrality in 2050. More specifically, policies should support the agricultural sector’s transformation toward new approaches such as agro-ecology, which are beneficial for carbon storage and soil, water, and biodiversity conservation.
Key Outcomes
- France is ranked 25th in this year’s CCPI, up 12 places
- France has substantially increased its NECP renewable energy target for 2030
- Key demands: greater efforts, especially in the transport, industry, waste, and LULUCF sectors, to align France’s decarbonisation path to carbon neutrality in 2050
CCPI Experts
The following national experts agreed to be mentioned as contributors for this year’s CCPI:
- Sarah Champagne (Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Paris)
- Marion Guénard (Germanwatch)