Islamic Republic of Iran
Iran is ranked 66th, which is second to last in this year’s CCPI.
It scores very low in all four CCPI categories: GHG Emissions, Renewable Energy, Climate Policy, and Energy Use.
Iran is one of the few countries that hasn’t yet ratified the Paris Agreement. This fact contributes to its very low score for international climate policy. At COP26, representatives from Iran announced that the country would join the Paris Agreement once the existing sanctions were lifted. Iran also has no net-zero target.
Data analysis shows Iran’s share of renewable energy is below 1%. As its energy consumption is high and growing, renewable energy production needs to be increased. The country’s greenhouse gas emissions are also too high. Meanwhile, Iran is experiencing increasingly severe heat waves and other consequences of the climate crisis.
Key Outcomes
CCPI experts
National experts that contributed to the policy evaluation of this year’s CCPI chose to remain anonymous.