Republic of Korea
South Korea continues to be a very low-performing country in the CCPI, ranked 64th and down four places from the previous year.
As the fourth-worst overall performer in the CCPI, South Korea ranks very low in the GHG Emissions and Energy Use categories, and for Renewable Energy and Climate Policy, the low ratings are only a bit better.
10th Power Plan announced in 2023
Despite the country’s updated National Determined Contribution (NDC) the CCPI national experts noted that the South Korean government has been regressing on its promises. For example, the renewable energy target (share of electricity) is down from 30.2% to 21.6% by 2030 in the 10th Power Plan announced in early 2023. Moreover, most retired coal power plants will be replaced by gas plants and will take up a substantial share of the national power capacity. Among other non-climate friendly solutions, the renewable energy share reduction is followed by the rise of nuclear capacity planning.
No end to public funding for oil and gas projects
The experts also criticise that the South Korean government has not yet ended public financing of oil and gas projects, and there have been calls for cooperation with other foreign governments in gas power plants projects. The experts stress that South Korea should align its development and renewable energy targets with the Paris Agreement 1.5°C goal while phasing out coal and other fossil fuels in all sectors.
Use of biomass energy is also a growing trend. There have been efforts to increase the production and usage of domestic biomass resources, but this raises concerns about harm to South Korea’s biodiversity.
Key Outcomes
CCPI experts
The following national experts agreed to be mentioned as contributors for this year’s CCPI:
- Jieon Lee (Korea Federation for Environmental Movements)