Russian Federation Russian Federation

The Russian Federation ranks 64th in this year’s CCPI, keeping it among the very low performers. It receives a very low rating in all CCPI categories: GHG Emissions, Energy Use, Climate Policy, and Renewable Energy.

Russia continues to use fossil fuels as its main source of energy. There are no targets in place to phase out or reduce fossil fuels. The country’s current share of renewable energy is below 5% and there is no ambitious target for increasing the clean energy share. Russia is among the 10 countries with the largest developed oil, coal, and gas reserves, and is currently planning to increase its production.

In Russia’s long-term low carbon strategy, the country, in 2021, decided on the aim of reaching net zero by 2060. However, there is no clear roadmap for how to achieve this goal and the use of natural gas, nuclear, and hydro dominate the country’s energy mix.

The CCPI country experts ask the Russian government to present a plan for phasing out fossil fuels.

Key Outcomes

  • The Russian Federation ranks 64th in this year’s CCPI, keeping it among the very low performers
  • Russia continues to use fossil fuels as its main source of energy. There are no targets in place to phase out or reduce fossil fuels
  • Key demands: present a plan for phasing out fossil fuels

CCPI Experts

The following national experts agreed to be mentioned as contributors for this year’s CCPI:

Key Indicators

CCPI 2025: Target comparison