Ukraine Ukraine

The CCPI 2024 edition did not assess Ukraine’s climate performance. This seemed appropriate in light of the far-reaching impacts of Russia’s continued aggression against the country. Instead, we briefly assess the current climate strategies and recovery plans.

Russia’s war has caused massive damage and destruction in the Ukrainian energy, industry, transport, and building sectors. From the beginning of the full-scale invasion in February 2022 until winter 2022/2023, about 50% of Ukraine’s generating capacities and transformer substations had been either damaged or occupied. Renewable energy in Ukraine has been particularly affected. According to the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, about 40% of solar and 90% of wind electricity generation was lost in 2022 in the wake of Russia’s invasion.

Ukraine’s plan for a sustainable economy

In February 2024, Ukraine’s Ministry of Economy officially updated the draft of its National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP). The NECP is ought to follow EU standards and methodologies to harmonise energy and climate strategies and policies. The Plan also serves as a comprehensive framework for Ukraine’s green reconstruction and recovery efforts.

The NECP sets several goals towards decarbonisation. This includes the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 65% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels, and climate neutrality of the energy sector by 2050 and the entire economy by 2060. In accordance with its NECP, Ukraine will phase out coal-based electricity generation in public power plants by 2035 and increase the share of electricity generation from renewables to 25% by 2030. Additionally, the Plan outlines goals that increase energy efficiency and integrate Ukraine’s electricity and gas markets into the respective EU markets. However, the plan also concedes a significant role to nuclear energy, comprising the development of small modular reactors as well as increased uranium ore mining and extraction. This raises serious sustainability concerns.

Ukraine’s sustainable recovery and transition to a post-war green economy will require enormous efforts, which Ukraine will need to muster with access to funds and support from the international community. If Ukrainian policymakers want to safeguard resilience and energy security, they will also need to vastly expand the development of renewables and increase energy efficiency in all sectors.

While Ukraine’s recovery is underway in deoccupied territories, the CCPI national experts warn that short-term relief and recovery measures must not promote a lock-in of energy inefficiency and dependence on fossil fuels.

For information on the Ukrainian government’s plans for a fair transformation of the country’s coal regions, see: