CCPI data has been used in scientific articles since 2009. Political articles mentioning the CCPI have different research focuses. Most articles use a comparative approach to assess, which countries contribute most and least to international efforts to fight climate change. Some studies analyse specific countries, i.e. from a geographical region (EU; Africa) or with similar economic circumstances (OECD countries). Others use a broader scope and analyse a larger number of states.
Another research focus is finding determinants for (progressive) climate policy. These articles analyse which factors have a causal relationship with certain climate policies. Also, some research focuses on single state climate policy action and uses CCPI data to rate the analysed country.
Find a selection of political science articles using the CCPI here:
Wagner, P.M. , Ylä-Anttila, T., Gronow, A., Ocelík P., Schmidt, L., Delicado, A. (2020): Information exchange networks at the climate science-policy interface: Evidence from the Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, and Portugal. In: Governance